Saturday, 3 August 2013

Top Most Oracle freshers interview question paper

1. Which of the following is not similar with the others?

(A)             cube
(B)              sphere
(C)              pyramid
(D)             circle

2.  Consider the following flow chart for a customer:        

The person in No.1 is:

(A) Married, with children
(B) Married, with at least one son
(C) Unmarried, with at least one daughter
(D) Unmarried, with at least one son

3.  Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. 
Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?

(A) 15
(B) 20
(C) 65
(D) 75

4.  Consider the following series:
4, 6, 9, 13, ____ What comes next?

(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 17
(D) 18

There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor. 
No two people can be on the same step
Mr. A is two steps below Mr. C
Mr. B is a step next to Mr. D
Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )
Denote the first step by step 1 and second step by step 2 etc.

5. If Mr. A is on the first step, Which of the following is true?

(A) Mr. B is on the second step
(B) Mr. C is on the fourth step.
(C) A person Mr. E, could be on the third step
(D) Mr. D is on higher step than Mr. C.

6. If Mr. E was on the third step & Mr. B was on a higher step than
Mr. E which step must be

(A) step 1
(B) step 2
(C) step 4
(D) step 5

7.   If Mr. B was on step 1, which step could A be on?

(A) 2&3 only
(B) 3&5 only
(C) 3&4 only
(D) 4&5 only

8.  If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the step 
that B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D , A must be on step

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

9.  int z;
int x = 5;
int y = -10;
int a = 4;
int b = 2;

z = x++ - --y * b /a;

What number will z in the sample code above contains
(A)             5
(B)              6
(C)              10
(D)             11

10.  f = fopen( fileName, "r" );
if( ???? )
fprintf( stderr, "Cound not open file!" );
exit( -1 );

What should replace the ???? in the code above to determine if the file could 
not be opened?

(A) f  == NULL
(B) f == EOF
(C) f != 0;
(D) f == -1

11. int x[] = { 1, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4 };
int *ptr, y;
ptr  = x + 4;
y = ptr - x;
What does y in the sample code above equal?

(A) -3
(B)  0
(C)  4
(D) 4 + sizeof( int )

12. #include <stdio.h>
void func()
int x = 0;
static int y = 0;
+; y++;
printf( "%d -- %d\n", x, y );
int main()
return 0;

printf("%d\n", 64>>3);
What will the sample code above produce when executed?

(A) 8
(B)  16
(C)  32
(D) 256

13. What is the output of the following code:
           char str[20] = “ENIGMA”;
           char *p, *q, *r;
r=p+3 - (p-q);
printf(“%3s%5s”, (++p)+3,  r);

(A)             ENIGMA
(B)              GMA
(C)                No output
(D)                Error.

14.       #include <stdio.h>
void inc_count(int count)
count ++;
int main()
int  count = 0;     /* number of times through */
while (count < 10)
 return count ;
What  will be the value returned by the function main?

(A) 0
(B)  10
(C) 9
(D) Null

15. What is the correct way to define a constant pointer?

(A) const char *name_ptr = "TEST";
(B)  char *const name_ptr = "TEST";
(C) Both
(D) None of Above.

16. Which one of the following are parts of an entity relationship diagram?
(A)             Referential integrity constraints                                                                          
(B)              Entities  and Relationships
(C)              Triggers
(D)             Both a and b

17. The transaction control that prevents more than one user from updating 
data in a table is called
(A)             Locks     
(B)              Commits
(C)              Rollbacks                                                                           
(D)             Savepoints

18. Any locks placed in a session can be released issuing which of the
 following statements

(A)             commit
(B)              rollback
(C)              Both a and b      
(D)             By a savepoint

19. Which of the following statements are true about roles?

(A)             Roles can be granted to other roles and/or users.
(B)              Privileges can be granted to roles.
(C)              Roles can be granted to synonyms.
(D)             Both a and b.       

20. The limit for the number of parameters for a pl/sql procedure is

(A)             256
(B)              No Limit at all
(C)              Depends on the type of parameters passed to the procedure
(D)             Depends on Positional Parameters passed.       

21. The exact content and the storage representation of a column in database can 
be found out using the function

(A)             translate
(B)              to_char
(C)              dump       
(D)             substr

22. A view is a

(A)             A Table in the database belonging to different schema.
(B)              A query stored in the database in the form of an object.
(C)              A part of a table
(D)             All the above.

23. The key word used in sql for string searching is

(A)             LIKE    
(B)              NVL
(C)              GROUP BY
(D)             HAVING

24. For referrential integrity to be maintained.

(A)             Every foreign key value must have a corresponding primary/unique keyvalue
(B)              No Forein key should have a corresponding primary key value.
(C)              There should be an index on the tables.
(D)             The tables should be in different schemas of the database.

25. A ddl statment in a pl/sql can be issued in a pl/sql block using the package

(A)             dbms_output
(B)              dbms_sql
(C)              UTL_FILE
(D)             dbms_job

26. Choose the result of the following sql statement.

SELECT hire_date
FROM  emp
where to_char(hire_date) >  ‘01-FEB-00’;

(A)             01-APR-00
(B)              01-OCT-00
(C)              01-APR-99
(D)             01-DEC-00

27. Purity level of a function can be checked using

(C)              DBMS_OUTPUT.
(D)                DBMS_SQL.

28. The   __________  Statement is used to run the pl/sql block.

(A)             Get filename
(B)              start filename
(C)              run filename
(D)             None of the above

29. Difference between %TYPE and %ROWTYPE


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