Showing posts with label interview questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview questions. Show all posts

Monday, 26 August 2013

Top Most JSTL foreach tag example in JSP - looping ArrayList

JSTL  foreach loop in JSP
JSTL  foreach tag is pretty useful while writing Java free JSP code.  JSTL foreach tag allows you to iterate or loop Array List, HashSetor any other collection without using Java code. After introduction of JSTL and expression language(EL) it is possible to write dynamic JSP code without using scriptlet which clutters jsp pages. JSTL foreach tag is a replacement of for loop and behaves similarly like foreach loop of Java 5 but still has some elements and attribute which makes it hard for first-timers to grasp it. JSTL foreach loop can iterate over arrays, collections like List, Setand print values just like for loop. In this JSP tutorial we will see couple of example of foreach loop which makes it easy for new guys to understand and use foreach loop in JSP. By the way this is our second JSP tutorial on JSTL core library, in last tutorial we have seen How to use core <c:set> tag in JSP page.
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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Top Most How to delete empty files directories in Unix Linux

Deleting empty file and directory in Unix
Many times we need to find and delete empty files or directories in UNIX/Linux. Since there is no single command in Unix/Linux which allows you to remove empty files or empty directories rather we need to rely on find command and xargs command. In this UNIX and linux example we will see How to delete empty files and directories. Before removing empty files and directories we need to find those files and there are lots of option available to search for empty directories like find, grep, awk etc. You just need to know correct option. Like in any other operating system empty files and directories in Unix are those whose size is zero. Empty files doesn't contains any content while empty directories does not contain anything at all e.g files or sub-directories. As discussed in previous post 10 frequently used  find command exampleswe can also use find command to search and delete empty files and directories as it provides searching files based on size as well.
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Top Most Top 10 Google Interview questions answers

These Google interview questions are some of my favorites collected from different sources. Every Programmer know that google is one of the best technology company and its dream for many software developer to work for google, but at same time interview process at google is very tough and only few genuine intelligent programmer get through Good Interview. Google interview questions are always been a good topic of discussion when few young software developer gathered around, I can still remember when one of my friend got call from google for interview then how whole bunch was got excited. we have searched a lot on internet on google interview questions and answers for him and us and then make a note of some of the best questions for preparation. I am listing down some google interview questions from that list. You may also see my list of Top 30 programming interview questions for your preparation.
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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Top Most How to find second highest or maximum salary of Employee in SQL - Interview question

How to find second highest or second maximum salary of an Employee is one of the most frequently asked SQL interview question similar to finding duplicate records in tableand when to use truncate vs delete. There are many ways to find second highest salary based upon which database you are using as different database provides different feature which can be used to find second maximum or Nth maximum salary of employee. Well this question can also be generalized with other scenario like finding second maximum age etc. In this SQL tutorial we will see different example of SELECT SQL query to find second highest salary independent of databases or you may call in ANSI SQL and other SQL queries which uses database specific feature to find second maximum salary.
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Monday, 19 August 2013

Top Most How to use truncate and delete command in SQL >> Tutorial and Example

Delete and truncate command in SQL
Truncate and delete in SQL
are two commands which is used to remove or delete data from table. Though quite basic in nature both sql commands can create lot of trouble until you are familiar with details before using it. Truncate and delete are not just important to understand perspective but also a very popular interview topic which in my opinion a definite worthy topic. What makes them tricky is amount of data. Since most of Electronic trading system stores large amount of transactional data and some even maintain historical data, good understanding of delete and truncate command is required to effectively work on those environment.I have still seen people firing delete command just to empty a table with millions of records which eventually lock the whole table for doing anything and take ages to complete or Simply blew log segment or hang the machine.

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Friday, 16 August 2013

Top Most Top 10 Java Serialization Interview Questions and Answers

What is Serialization in Java
Java Serialization is one of important concept but it’s been rarely used as persistence solution and developer mostly overlooked Java serialization API.  As per my experience Java Serialization is quite an important topic in any core Java interview, In almost all the interview I have faced there is one or two Java serialization questions and I have seen interview where after few question on serialization candidate start feeling uncomfortable because of lack of experience in this area. They don’t know How to serialize object in Java or they are not familiar with any Java Serialization example to explain, forget about questions like Difference between transient and volatile variable or  Difference between Externalizable and Serializable in Java. In this article we will question from both beginner and advanced level, which can be equally beneficial to freshers, new comers and senior Java developers with some years of Java development experience.
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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Top Most Difference between save vs persist and saveOrUpdate in Hibernate

Save vs saveOrUpdate vs persist in Hibernate
What is difference between save and saveOrUpdate or Difference between save and persist are common interview question in any Hibernate interview, much like Difference between get and load method in Hibernate. Hibernate Session class provides couple of ways to save object into database by methods like save, saveOrUpdate and persist.  You can use either save(),  saveOrUpdate() or persist() based upon your requirement for persisting object into Database. Along with Spring framework Interview questions, Hibernate questions are also quite popular on J2EE interviews because of its status as leading ORM. It’s good to prepare some questions from Hibernate before appearing in any J2EE interviews. One of them is Difference between save , saveOrUpdate and persist, which we will see in this Hibernate article.
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Top Most Top 30 UNIX command Interview Questions asked in Investment Banks

UNIX command Questions Answers asked in Interview
UNIX or Linux operating system has become default Server operating system and for whichever programming job you give interview you find some UNIX command interview questions there. These UNIX command interview questions are mostly asked during Java development and Support role interviews on various investment banks mostly because most of electronic trading systems or stock trading system works on Unix servers. As we know that high volume low latency systems which wants to take advantage of little bit of volatility in market for Equity , Futures and options or Foreign exchange trading need a stable server side operating system and Redhat Linux is doing great job there. with the advent of Algorithmic trading this speed factor becomes more important so getting someone who has good knowledge of operating system and commands on which these trading system runs is definitely required. but these UNIX command interview questions are equally applicable for any job interview which requires some work on Unix Operating System. With the growing use of Linux in form of RedHat, Solaris and IBM AIX its must to keep you familiar with essential Linux commands available on various platforms. 

Unix and Linux Command Interview Questions and AnswersLong back I had once asked one of my friend why are you preparing Unix Command interview questions if you going for a Java Interview and he told me that this job doesn't only require knowledge of Java but also knowledge of Unix, Linux, SQL and other scripting language , which is quite true. After that I thought to collect various UNIX command interview questions asked to Java developers or trading system support interviews and this is the result of that compilation. This list of UNIX command interview questions are by means complete and would be great if you guys contribute some genuine and good Unix Command Interview questions and answers asked during interviews. I have divided the questions on three categories for sake of managing and keeping this list of Unix Interview questions up to date.

Beginners UNIX Interview Questions Answers

1. Write command to list all the links from a directory?
In this UNIX command interview questions interviewer is generally checking whether user knows basic use of "ls" "grep" and regular expression etc
You can write command like:
ls -lrt | grep "^l"

2. Create a read-only file in your home directory?
This is a simple UNIX command interview questions where you need to create a file and change its parameter to read-only by using chmod command you can also change your umask to create read only file.
touch file
chmod 400 file
3. How will you find which operating system your system is running on in UNIX?
By using command "uname -a" in UNIX

4. How will you run a process in background? How will you bring that into foreground and how will you kill that process?
For running a process in background use "&" in command line. For bringing it back in foreground use command "fg jobid" and for getting job id you use command "jobs", for killing that process find PID and use kill -9 PID command. This is indeed a good Unix Command interview questions because many of programmer not familiar with background process in UNIX.

5. How do you know if a remote host is alive or not?
You can check these by using either ping or telnet command in UNIX. This question is most asked in various Unix command Interview because its most basic networking test anybody wants to do it.

6. How do you see command line history in UNIX?
Very useful indeed, use history command along with grep command in unix to find any relevant command you have already executed. Purpose of this Unix Command Interview Questions is probably to check how familiar candidate is from available tools in UNIX operation system.

7. How do you copy file from one host to other?
Many options but you can say by using "scp" command. You can also use rsync command to answer this UNIX interview question or even sftp would be ok.

8. How do you find which process is taking how much CPU?
By using "top" command in UNIX, there could be multiple follow-up UNIX command interview questions based upon response of this because “TOP” command has various interactive options to sort result based upon various parameter.

9. How do you check how much space left in current drive ?
By using "df" command in UNIX. For example "df -h ." will list how full your current drive is. This is part of anyone day to day activity so I think this Unix Interview question will be to check anyone who claims to working in UNIX but not really working on it.

10. What is the difference between Swapping and Paging?
Whole process is moved from the swap device to the main memory for execution. Process size must be less than or equal to the available main memory. It is easier to implementation and overhead to the system. Swapping systems does not handle the memory more flexibly as compared to the paging systems.
Only the required memory pages are moved to main memory from the swap device for execution. Process size does not matter. Gives the concept of the virtual memory. It provides greater flexibility in mapping the virtual address space into the physical memory of the machine. Allows more number of processes to fit in the main memory simultaneously. Allows the greater process size than the available physical memory. Demand paging systems handle the memory more flexibly.

Intermediate UNIX Interview Questions Answers

1. What is difference between ps -ef and ps -auxwww?
UNIX interview questions answers, UNIX Linux questionsThis is indeed a good Unix Interview Command Question and I have faced this issue while ago where one culprit process was not visible by execute ps –ef command and we are wondering which process is holding the file.
ps -ef will omit process with very long command line while ps -auxwww will list those process as well.

2. How do you find how many cpu are in your system and there details?
By looking into file /etc/cpuinfo for example you can use below command:
cat /proc/cpuinfo

3. What is difference between HardLink and SoftLink in UNIX?
I have discussed this Unix Command Interview questions  in my blog post difference between Soft link and Hard link in Unix

4. What is Zombie process in UNIX? How do you find Zombie process in UNIX?
When a program forks and the child finishes before the parent, the kernel still keeps some of its information about the child in case the parent might need it - for example, the parent may need to check the child's exit status. To be able to get this information, the parent calls 'wait()'; In the interval between the child terminating and the parent calling 'wait()', the child is said to be a 'zombie' (If you do 'ps', the child will have a 'Z' in its status field to indicate this.)
Zombie : The process is dead but have not been removed from the process table.

5. What is "chmod" command? What do you understand by this line “r-- -w- --x?

6. There is a file some where in your system which contains word "UnixCommandInterviewQuestions” How will find that file in Unix?
By using find command in UNIX for details see here 10 example of using find command in Unix

7. In a file word UNIX is appearing many times? How will you count number?
grep -c "Unix" filename

8. How do you set environment variable which will be accessible form sub shell?
By using export   for example export count=1 will be available on all sub shell.

9. How do you check if a particular process is listening on a particular port on remote host?
By using telnet command for example “telnet hostname port”, if it able to successfully connect then some process is listening on that port. To read more about telnet read networking command in UNIX

10. How do you find whether your system is 32 bit or 64 bit ?
Either by using "uname -a" command or by using "arch" command.

Advanced UNIX Interview Questions and Answers

1. How do you find which processes are using a particular file?
By using lsof command in UNIX. It wills list down PID of all the process which is using a particular file.

2. How do you find which remote hosts are connecting to your host on a particular port say 10123?
By using netstat command execute netstat -a | grep "port" and it will list the entire host which is connected to this host on port 10123.

3. What is nohup in UNIX?

4. What is ephemeral port in UNIX?
Ephemeral ports are port used by Operating system for client sockets. There is a specific range on which OS can open any port specified by ephemeral port range.

5. If one process is inserting data into your MySQL database? How will you check how many rows inserted into every second?
Purpose of this Unix Command Interview is asking about "watch" command in UNIX which is repeatedly execute command provided with specified delay.

6. There is a file Unix_Test.txt which contains words Unix, how will you replace all Unix to UNIX?
You can answer this Unix Command Interview question by using SED command in UNIX for example you can execute sed s/Unix/UNIX/g fileName.

7. You have a tab separated file which contains Name, Address and Phone Number, list down all Phone Number without there name and Addresses?
To answer this Unix Command Interview question you can either you AWK or CUT command here. CUT use tab as default separator so you can use
cut -f3 filename.

8. Your application home directory is full? How will you find which directory is taking how much space?
By using disk usage (DU) command in Unix for example du –sh . | grep G  will list down all the directory which has GIGS in Size.

9. How do you find for how many days your Server is up?
By using uptime command in UNIX

10. You have an IP address in your network how will you find hostname and vice versa?
This is a standard UNIX command interview question asked by everybody and I guess everybody knows its answer as well. By using nslookup command in UNIX, you can read more about Convert IP Address to hostname in Unix here.

I hope this UNIX command interview questions and answers would be useful for quick glance before going for any UNIX or Java job interview. Please share any interesting UNIX command interview you have come across and I will add into this list. If you are going for any Unix interview on brokerage firm or stock trading company or any Investment bank you can have a quick look here, though most of questions you might already know but its good to review it. if you like this you can see my other unix command tutorial for beginners as well 

Some of my favorite interview questions post , you may find interesting

Enjoy :)

Monday, 12 August 2013

Top Most What is JSESSIONID in J2EE Web application - JSP Servlet?

What is JSESSIONID in JSP Servlet
JSESSIONID is a cookie generated by Servlet container like Tomcat or Jetty and used for session management in J2EE web application for http protocol. Since HTTP is a stateless protocol there is no way for Web Server to relate two separate requests coming from same client and Session management is the process to track user session using different session management techniques like Cookies and URL Rewriting. If Web server is using cookie for session management it creates and sends JSESSIONID cookie to the client and than client sends it back to server in subsequent http requests. JSESSIONID and session management is a not only a popular Servlet interview question but also appear in various JSP interviews. Along with What is JSESSIONID interviewer are also interested in when and how JSESSIONID is created in Servlet and JSP which we will see in next section.
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Top Most Top 10 Puzzles, Riddles, Logical and Lateral Thinking questions asked in Programming Job Interviews

Puzzles, riddles, logical questions, and lateral thinking questions are integral part of any programming job interviews. I missed to include some puzzles, when I shared my list of top 30 programming interview questionsearlier, and couple of my friends requested to share some puzzles as well. These puzzles and lateral thinking questions are mostly collected from various Java programming interviews on Investment banks, but they are equally useful to any programming job interviews. I have seen more puzzles and logical questions at junior level i.e. 2 to 4 years. These kinds of puzzles, if asked at the beginning of interview, can make or break the interview. It’s not easy to solve them, especially when you see them first time, but what is surely not to do is give up without try, even if you can't think of answer, try to show rational approach. Remember it's OK, if you don't answer any puzzle question, but your approach towards unknown problem get noticed. At the same time lateral thinking questions offers several answers, and you can give your own explanation as well, but make sure it must look genuine and seems logical. Puzzles and riddles also forms a big chunk of Microsoft and Google Interview questions as well, and they are some really nasty and tough to answer. Anyway, I have not provided answers of these puzzles and logical questions, so that you can at least give it a try. Immediate answers kill the purpose of puzzles and riddles, and it's fun to solve them by yourself. By the way, you can easily find answers of these puzzles using Google, as they have asked numerous times on various programming interviews on software and technology companies.
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Top Most How to implement Thread in Java ?Example of Runnable interface

How to implement Thread in Java
In my opinion Thread is the most wonderful feature of Java programming language and I remember when I started learning Java in one of programming class in India how important Thread was portrait and how much emphasis given on clear understanding of multi threading. It’s indeed still popular and one of most sought after skill in Java because writing concurrent and multi-threaded application in Java is challenging, despite Java providing excellent support at language level using synchronized and volatile keyword. Main problem with using multiple threads and writing multi-threaded code is issues related to concurrency e.g. deadlock, livelock,  race conditions etc, It takes lot of effort to implement multi-threading correctly in Java application.  In this core java tutorial I will share my experience on different way of implementing Thread in Java; Difference between Thread and Runnable in Java is also a very common core java interview question and asked mostly during junior level java interview.
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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Top Most Difference between include directive and include action in JSP Servlet

Difference between include directive and include action is one of the most popular JSP interview questions and also asked as What is difference between page include and file include in JSP.  Similar to difference between forward and send redirect  and URL encoding vs URL rewriting, this is also asked at beginners level. Here we will see page include vs file include in detail. Both include directive and include action is used to include output of a static page e.g. html or a dynamic page e.g. jsp inside another jsp file. In this JSP tutorial we will see what is include directive in JSP and what is include action and difference between include directive and include action. This JSP interview question is mostly asked during 2-4 years experience in Java J2EE. By the way this article is in continuation of my other posts on J2EE interviews like Top 10 Spring Interview Questions and Top 10 Servlet Interview questions. If you are interested on Core java or multi-threading than you can check Top 20 Core Java Interview questions.
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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Top Most Difference between LEFT and RIGHT OUTER Joins in SQL - MySQL Join example

There are two kinds of OUTER joins in SQL, LEFT OUTER join and RIGHT OUTER join. Main difference between RIGHT OUTER join and LEFT OUTER join, as there name suggest, is inclusion of non matched rows. Sine INNER join only include matching rows, where value of joining column is same, in final result set, but OUTER join extends that functionality and also include unmatched rows in final result. LEFT outer join includes unmatched rows from table written on left of join predicate. On the other hand RIGHT OUTER join, along with all matching rows, includes unmatched rows from right side of table. In short result of LEFT outer join is INNER JOIN + unmatched rows from LEFT table and RIGHT OUTER join is INNER JOIN + unmatched rows from right hand side table. Similar to difference between INNER join and OUTER join, difference between LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN can be better understand by a simple example, which we will see in next section. By the way joins are very popular in SQL interviews, and along with classic questions like finding second highest salary of employee,Inner join vs outer join or left outer join vs right outer join is commonly asked.
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Top Most Top 30 Programming questions asked in Interview - Java C C++ Answers

Top 30 Programming interview questions

Programming questions are integral part of any Java or C++ programmer or software analyst interview. No matter on which language you have expertise it’s expected that you are familiar with fundamental of programming and can solve problems without taking help of API. Programming questions like How to reverse String using recursion or How to find if Array contains duplicates  are some popular examples of programming question in Java.  Programming questions present lot of challenges Especially to Java developers as compared to C++ programmer and I think, One reason for this is powerful Java API; Which has method for almost every need and you rarely need to write by your own or there are lots of third party library from Apache, Spring, Google and other open source. These programming interview questions are from my personal collections and I have only chosen those which are not very difficult, can be solved easily but at same time can become too complex or confusing, present lots of follow-up questions and test fundamentals of programming, OOPS and design. I have not given answers of these programming questions but those can be found by google and I will try to post links of answers here sometime later but at same time I will try to provide quick tips or hints on some questions.
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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Top Most Top 20 Core Java Interview questions answers asked in Investment Bank

Core Java Interview Question Answer
This is a new series of sharing core Java interview question and answer on Finance domain and mostly on big Investment bank.Many of these Java interview questions are asked on JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Barclays or Goldman Sachs. Banks mostly asked core Java interview questions from multi-threading, collection, serialization, coding and OOPS design principles.  Anybody who is preparing for any Java developer Interview on any Investment bank can be benefited from these set of core Java Interview questions and answers. I have collected these Java questions from my friends and I thought to share with you all.  I hope this will be helpful for both of us. It's also beneficial to practice some programming interview questions because in almost all Java interview, there is at-least 1 or 2 coding questions appear. Please share answers for unanswered Java interview questions and let us know how good these Java interview questions are?
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Top Most 10 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers for Java J2EE Programmers

Hibernate Interview Questions are asked on Java J2EE Interviews, mostly for web based enterprise application development role. Success and acceptability of Hibernate framework on Java world has made it one of the most popular Object Relational Mapping (ORM) solution in Java technology stack. Hibernate frees you from database specific coding and allows you to focus more on utilizing powerful object oriented design principleto implement core business logic. By using Hibernate you can switch between database rather easily and also take advantage of out of box caching facilities provided by Hibernate, in terms of second level cache and query cache. As you know most of Java interview not only contains questions from core Java, but also from other Java framework e.g. questions from Spring Frameworkor Struts interview questions, based upon projects requirements. Its good to prepare both Spring and Hibernate questions quite well, if you are going to work on a project which uses Hibernate as ORM. Check JD or Job description ,and if you see word Hibernate anywhere, get ready to face some Hibernate questions.
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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Top Most REST Web services Framework interview questions answers

REST web services  has quickly becoming deafacto web services in web world and has almost replaced SOAP based web services which rules the world before. with growing use of REST in web technology space REST is also becoming increasingly important on J2EE and other web development interviews and if you say you know web-service then be prepare for some REST concept related questions. In this article I have put together some of the basic and some advanced REST web service questions together which will be useful to revise the concept before appearing for any REST web service interviews:

This article is in continuation of my earlier post on Interviews like Top Spring Interview Questions and Top StrutsInterview Questions.
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Monday, 5 August 2013

Top Most 10 XML Interview questions and answers for Java Programmer

XML Interview questions are very popular in various programming job interviews, including Java interviews for web developer. XML is a matured technology and often used as standard for transporting data from one platform other. XML Interview questions contains questions from various XML technologies like XSLT which is used to transform XML files, XPATH, XQuery and fundamentals of XML e.g. DTD or Schema. In this article we will see 10 frequently asked XML Interview questions and answers from above topics. These questions are mostly asked in various Java interviews but they are equally useful in other programming interviews  like C, C++, Scala or any other programming language. Since XML is not tied with any programming language and like SQL its one of the desired skill in programmer, it make sense to practice some XML questions before appearing in any technical job interview
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Saturday, 3 August 2013

Top Most 10 Singleton Pattern Interview questions in Java - Answered

Singleton pattern in Java is one of the most common patterns available and it’s also used heavily in core Java libraries. Questions from Singleton pattern is very common in Java interviews and good knowledge of how to implement Singleton pattern certainly help.This is also one of my favorite design pattern interview question and has lots of interesting follow-up to dig into details , this not only check the knowledge of design pattern but also check coding, multithreading aspect which is very important while working for a real life application.  In this post  have listed some of the most common question asked on Singleton pattern during a Java Interview. I have not provided the answers of these questions as they are easily available via google search but if you guys need I can try to  modify this tutorial to include answers as well. As promised earlier and having received lot of request for providing answers of these question, I have decided to update this post along with answers. By the way if you are preparing for interview on Java technology than you can check my collection on Java interview questions and  multi-threading interview questions. There are lot of resources in Javarevisited which can help you in your interview preparation. On the other hand if you are more interested on design pattern tutorials than you can check my post on builder design pattern and decorator pattern.
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Top Most 20 Design pattern and Software design interview questions for Programmers

Design patterns and software design questions are essential part of any programming interview, no matter whether you are going for Java interview or C#  interview. In face programming and design skill complement each other quite well, people who are good programmer are often a good designer as well as they know how to break a problem in to piece of code or software design but these skill just doesn’t come. You need to keep designing, programming both small scale and large scale systems and keep learning from mistakes.Learning about Object oriented design principles is a good starting point. Anyway this article is about some design questions which has been repeatedly asked in various interviews. I have divided them on two category for beginners and intermediate for sake of clarity and difficulty level.
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