What is SDLC Life Cycle
SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle contains
Generating Report sheets for students.
In a school of strength 300,there are 5 classes,each has 3
sections.Exams are conducted for every quarter.
System should generate report for any student -for any exam.
High level designing- it shud cover basic functionality of the system.
purpose of HLD :
Ø Cover each and every point in requirement.
Ø Usecases or splitting into modules.
Ø Object Identification.
Ø DB Design
Ø Nomalizing the Database.
Ø explain the functionlaities of all modules.
in the given example...
we can split this modules or object identification like ...
1.students registration (mosule/screen/usecase) where students can be enrolled.
2.Exams Master (like id and name of the exam)
3.Class Master(all classes...id and desc)
4.Class_Student (linking the students to classes)
5.Class_Exam(link the Class and Exam master,...like the starting date and ending date of exams for each class)
6.Subject Master(desc & id of subjects)
7.Student_Subject_exam( this object shud hold the details of mark scored by a student in the particular subject in the particular exam)
DB design with the objects identified..
design tables correcponds to the object student,class,subject etc.,
HLD Review...(either by quality or senior Project leads)
Low level designing....it shud be done by the developer.
HLD,db design is the input for desinging LLD.
Developer has to identify the attributes and operations(methods) that cud be performed on the object.
example...7th one..
student rollno,
subject Id,
Exam id,
Total marks
marks scored.
retrieveMarkScored(studrollno,exam id,subj id)
detail description of methods should be there in LLd..
LLD review-done by PL/TL
Test plan –i/p lld.
Given a condition…how the sytem shud/must behave.
proper commenting,conventions,coding stds...)
Testing...Peer testing
Unit testing
Test log
code corrections
Integration testing –testing more than a module
system testing. –testing entire system.
User's training(if needed)